The tissues of corals themselves are actually not the
beautiful colors of the coral reef, but are instead clear. The corals receive
their coloration from the zooxanthellae living within their tissues. Coral reef
bleaching is a common stress response of corals. If the stress-causing
bleaching is not too severe and if it decreases in time, the affected corals
usually regain their symbiotic algae within several weeks or a few months. If
zooxanthellae loss is prolonged, i.e. if the stress continues and depleted
zooxanthellae populations do not recover, the coral host eventually dies. Beginning
in the 1980s, the frequency and widespread distribution of reported coral reef bleaching
events increased. Widespread bleaching, involving major coral reef regions and
resulting in mass coral mortality has raised concerns about linkage of the
events to global phenomenons including global warming or climate change and increased
UV radiation from ozone depletion.
It was interesting to find out that the coral isn’t originally
brightly colored. It’s also very sad that coral reefs are losing the nutrients
and eventually dying due to stress. It would be a shame to lose what is
considered the “rainforest of the ocean” due to its high biodiversity.
What could help reduce stress levels of the coral?
How could humans help?
Why should humans care
about coral reef bleaching?